
To live the Orthodox Christian way of life is obviously much more to learn. We must remember that, being an Orthodox Christian is to be on a path of continual growth. As we come closer to God, we learn more clearly what he expects of us. As we grow closer to Him, He provides us with greater ability to practice His teachings. We are all sinners and the Church is the place we come for spiritual direction and forgiveness. In God’s eyes it is never too late to change our ways. Not only does He expect us to be perfect as He is perfect, but He is Most Merciful to those who are the greatest sinners.

To an Orthodox Believer, life within the chapel is important in his pursuit of truth; prayer is spiritual breathing of individuals and corporate worship is air or soul of any community.

Therefore, all the members of the Seminary Community assemble in the chapel four times a day

At 5:00 AM for Night Vigil and Morning Prayers

At 12:30 PM for Noon Prayers

At 6:00 PM for Evening Prayers

and at 9:30 PM for Compline or prayers before sleep.

The beauty of the Orthodox way lies in the blending of fasting and feasting.